
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Create More Business Connections by Networking Like a Pro


Expert Author R. Jansen
For any professional that is interested in advancing their career networking is an important skill. Depending on your ability to reach out and make lasting connections with many people is one of the easiest ways to advance your position and status. This doesn't happen by accident and it takes practice to put effective networking into play.
Networking should be viewed as a form of creating social connections. Looking at it only as an opportunity to further your career or make a sale is a sure fire way to destroy any relationships you do manage to build. Networking isn't only about what you get out of the connection, it's also about what you give. This is one reason why many fail at networking events and gatherings. If you look at it as a way to pick up new clients, and only view the event in that light, you are missing out on a great opportunity. Networking is about meeting new people and offering just as much as you receive. If you only try to sell other professionals will view you as a salesman and chances are they aren't buying what you are selling.
Another thing to be aware of is that you are actually networking at all times. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Look at every social interaction as a way to build your network of contacts and friends. Let this happen naturally and act professionally in everything you do. You never know when the person behind you in line at the grocery store is the CEO of a small company that would love to buy your product. Being aware of how you act and present yourself is an easy way to start to build your network of contacts.
Also, don't be afraid to add everybody to your list of contacts. It may seem odd to try to add the local cleaning lady to your professional network but that is short sighted thinking. Some day she may build her business up and become CEO of her own company. If you own some office space or need some major cleaning work done you'll be glad you have her in your network as she may offer you a discount or preferred service because you knew her before she hit it big. This is just one example and having the foresight to treat everybody in a courteous manner.
Don't come on too strong when trying to build your circle of influence. Networking is a social activity and your communication should set the other person at ease. Making a connection should be like talking to an old friend. Trying to come on strong and manufacture a relationship where one doesn't exist is a recipe for failure. Communicating and creating a new contact is more about listening to the other person and hearing what they have to say. They'll appreciate the fact that you are willing to listen to them.
After a new connection make sure you follow up in a few days. If you make a new connection you want to make sure you keep the relationship alive. Taking a business card and stuffing it into your Rolodex is as good as never making the connection in the first place. Make sure you stay in touch with the person every few months. That way if you need to call on them for something the relationship is current and they don't feel used because you only call them when you need them.
Building relationships and expanding your sphere of influence through networking is not difficult. Practice the methods above and act in a professional manner. Keep an eye out for any new connections and relationships you can build and soon you will have a network that any professional would envy.
If you're looking for ways to help advance your career or build your network you can find more information at the Brighton Business Reviewwebsite. Covering all of your business needs from time management, how to write processes, and manage your projects. The Review covers all aspects of professional life and business environments.

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