
Thursday, April 17, 2014


Meet Max... He is my five year old Yorkie friend, my best bud, my main squeeze, my little man. Each morning, he wakes with more energy than the energizer bunny. His morning routine includes stretching, treats, running, and of most importance finding his toy. Toy begins its journey as a small natural rope. Toy ends its life as an over-loved and chewed wad of what resembles rope. 

Our bed covers piled high from evening's slumber, coffee in hand and a nice game of fetch already under way...I noticed Max digging in the covers. He is twisting, turning, and manipulating the covers, in his normal way of making his perfect resting spot. However as Max snuggled next to me, I notice Toy is barely peaking under the mound of prepared blanket. As is custom for dogs to hide their most prized possessions, Toy was indeed hidden. 

The calculated treasure made me consider: For years, I hid under my own version of blankets. Growing up with acne, I was ashamed of my skin, my face, and my looks. Thanks to the modern marvels of concealer, I felt safe to show my face in public. As an adult, I have found a company that specializes in helping women and men reveal their most confident selves; to step out from behind the blankets of adult acne, sun damage, wrinkles, and sensitive kin concerns. Footloose and foundation free, I have moved from behind my self-made blankets. If you have hidden your light for too long, please know that I understand and want to help you. With Rodan and Fields Dermatologists your daily self care routine will change your skin and change your life. 

Digging a bit deeper (pun intended)... Are our prized possessions, self worth, and identity wrapped underneath a blanket to be found, enjoyed, and relished another day? 
Why? What are we saving for tomorrow that we should be sharing with the world, Right Now? 

I encourage you to LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!

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