
Thursday, April 10, 2014


As you observe yourself in the mirror, what are your first thoughts? Are you kind or are you harsh? Are you tired or rested? Do you see the lines that love and laughter have placed on your face? What about those dark spots from your rendezvous with Crisco, Iodine, and the sun? What about the pain of eczema or a rosy nose? Or like me, do you recall the acne scars of your teenage years and the snickering because your blemishes were as bright as a light bulb at Christmas?

All of these questions can race through our minds in a flash. Before we know it, we have reduced ourselves to less than a penny's worth. Perhaps, in the moment we do not feel the pain, but our Soul's absorb the years of self-deprecation. That said, I would like to invite you to begin your journey of positive self-care. I will be with you every step of the way.

Three months ago, I began using Rodan + Fields REVERSE regimen for dark marks, uneven skin pigmentation, and sun damage. My years growing up with two sans sunscreen sun worshipers, provided me with a lot of material for this experiment. My journey to date is documented in these photos.
(Photos taken on 2/3/14, 3/6/14, and 4/10/14)  

I share my truth for two reasons: 1. I believe in my business. 2. I will never ask you to do something I am not willing to do myself.

Will you join me?

 Make a Great Individual Choice