
Monday, May 5, 2014


Working on the back deck, I am accompanied by the squawking of the Canadian geese. They have migrated into the back yard for their afternoon ritual of what I'm sure would be high tea in other parts of the animal kingdom. They are loud, but that is okay. We humans are much worse; of that I am certain. There is a knock at the front door, yet no one answers. I am expecting the lady of the house to answer the door, yet the only greetings are that of the loud barking dogs. So, I meander around to the front to see the nice yard fella walking away. "Hello", I say. "Yes." he turns and asks, "Is your mother home?" Our conversation is brief. His team begins to work, and I am respectfully shooed off of the back deck to allow their hedge trimming success. 

I continued to ponder his question. "Is your mother home?" As a young child, I was taught to never answer that question in the negative. A stranger could be trying to trick me into allowing him/her into my home. Of course, that is to assume that I never talked to strangers. Which of course I did. It was a lesson, I did not learn very well. To this day I will talk to anyone/anything.  If it talks back I am overjoyed. I digress...
Canadian adventure with her...

"Is your mother home?" Well, no, biologically speaking, she was not home. I was sure she was working in her salon. However, yes, she was home. I'm not aware of what kept her from opening the door, but I expect the reason was warranted. The lady of the house, my aunt, was home. In one small question, I was honored by the nice yard fella's belief that she was my mother. For all practical reasons, yet not so technical, she is a mother to me.  She is the woman who has shown me the world, taught me the value of a sale, opened my eyes to boundaries, awakened my mind to female progress, and has been a steward of my spirit in Christ. From day one, she told the doctor I was the ugliest baby she had ever seen. This happening on the heels of the preacher, unbeknownst to her, saying that I looked JUST LIKE HER! HA! I think she has tried to make up for that moment, my entire life. She has supplied me with wardrobe after wardrobe, food from her pantry, and nuggets of wisdom; too many to share. In fact, any time a friend has a concern, it is her teachings I most often quote. She is a rock, a safe place, and she is a mother. 

Perhaps, you can identify with my situation. You too have been blessed with a relationship without a nine month gestation period; she has provided you the matriculation of a lifetime. She has shielded you, comforted you, straightened you out, called you by name, and above all, she has loved you. She has shared her love without measure. 

As May brings about the flowers of April's showers, it is no surprise that we also celebrate the gifts of Mothers. May you make the space and time to show your mother (no matter the definition) that she will forever be "home" in your heart, your mind, your soul, and your love. Blessings!

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